Why register through us?
With SIKKA you guarantee your admission to the major you want at the best universities with the biggest discounts, and because we have more than five years of experience in registering students, we have registered for more than 200 students in Malaysia over the past years.
Communicate with the students who registered through us and provide assistance and guidance until they graduate and return home safely.
Hurry now and reserve your seat through us, and get an additional discount when you register early before seats run out.
With our success in building and strengthening relationships with relevant entities, and thanks to our large and collaborative team, we have been able to open new departments, notably in the field of 'educational services.
This is to expand our diverse fields with the aim of covering as many Southeast Asian countries as possible to "encourage education" from Asia to Europe and America.


Mr. Omar Alyafi
Chief Executive Officer (CEO)

Mr. Saleem Al-Akhras

Mr. Khaled Fahmy
Managing Director

Ms. Hanin Hadha
Education Consultant

Ms. Hanan Hadha
Education Consultant
Our service
Team of Advisors:
An elite team of advisors at Malaysian universities provides 100% accurate information and presents the image to you with precision.
Special Discounts:
Discount up to 50% of annual university fees, installments starting from $1000 per semester, and discounts on public transportation.
Full services for students:
Reception from the airport, securing university housing or an apartment outside the university, and extracting health insurance.